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Hotel owners and operators are responsible for ensuring their sites remain safe, secure, and free from potential harm. However, as the popularity of vaping continues to rise across the United States, ensuring a hazard-free hotel environment is becoming increasingly difficult.

E‑cigarette sales grew by almost 50% between 2020 — 2022, with over 13 million U.S. citizens believed to vape regularly. For hospitality staff, this rising trend poses a significant challenge, with many e‑cigarette users attempting to skirt smoking bans via vaping.

Hotel operators must develop solutions to deter and address vaping and smoking incidents to ensure their properties remain clean, safe and welcoming. Below is a complete guide to developing, integrating and implementing hotel vape detector systems designed to deter and detect vaping events quickly and reliably.

Hotel vaping hazards, risks and impact

There are many negative consequences associated with vaping in and around hotel properties. From health risks to guests and staff to potential damage caused to the property, below are a few examples of why having vape sensors in hotels is important.

  • Health risks: Vape smoke contains many harmful chemicals that have been linked to serious health issues, including lung damage, heart failure, strokes and cardiovascular disease.
  • Property damage: The residue left behind when vape chemicals make contact with a surface can cause noticeable damage and discoloration. If left untreated, hotel staff may need to replace and/​or refinish fixtures at a significant cost to the business.
  • Breaches of policy: Smoking and vaping indoors has been banned by lawmakers across much of the United States. Private businesses are equally able to implement their own vaping bans, breaches of which usually result in significant fines.
  • Reputational harm: If a hotel becomes known as a place where vaping incidents are not reliably addressed, the business could develop a negative reputation among non-vapers, families and customers with existing health issues.

Experience the award-winning HALO Smart Sensor

  • Detect vaping, smoking, THC and more
  • Be alerted of abnormal noises like gunshots
  • Monitor for air quality changes in all rooms 
  • Create a safer, healthier environment for guests 
  • Easily integrate with legacy security systems

What are hotel vape detectors?

Hotel vape detectors are specially designed electronic sensors configured to detect and alert employees to the presence of vaping indoors. Nicotine vape detectors for hotels can be installed in high-risk locations like hallways, bathrooms and inside private rooms to help staff identify and respond to attempted breaches of no vaping/​smoking policies.

How does a hotel vape detector work?

A typical hotel vape detector continuously analyzes the air quality in a target area for telltale signs of e‑cigarette vapor. Depending on the type of sensor used, the system will search for different stimuli ranging from specific chemicals to changes in light levels.

If the levels of a target stimuli exceed a predetermined threshold, alarms will sound and on-site staff will be notified remotely to enact a response. Vape detectors in hotel rooms may also be connected to wider security and safety devices, like video security and access control, to enable automated responses.

What can hotel vape sensors detect?

Some advanced vape sensors can detect and differentiate between multiple types of target stimuli. For example, hotel nicotine detectors may be able to detect both vape particulate and tobacco smoke using different types of sensors. Some hotel vape detectors can also reliably identify additional stimuli like THC and hazardous gasses like carbon monoxide.

Common types of sensors found in vape detectors for hotels include:

  • Chemical sensors: Identify the unique chemical compounds found in vape aerosols.
  • Optical sensors: Identify vape through unique interactions with light beams.
  • Particulate sensors: Identify suspended aerosols using laser scattering technology.
  • Gas sensors: Identify gasses from vaping via changes in electrical resistance.
  • Combination sensors: Multiple sensor types combine to boost detection accuracy.

How accurate are hotel vape sensors?

Modern hotel vape sensors are considered to be highly accurate since they’re designed to detect specific chemicals and aerosols. In the past, some sensors have been prone to false alarms triggered by steam, perfumes and cleaning chemicals, though modern devices have been fine-tuned to distinguish between such stimuli and known vape aerosols.

Research suggests the particulate yield associated with vaping is as much as 10 times lower than that associated with smoke from a fire, meaning vape detectors must be more sensitive than traditional hotel smoke detectors. Generally, most modern hotel vape detectors are rated to reliably identify particulate matter down to 0.3 microns in a 12’ x 12’ target area.

The benefits of using vape detectors in hotels

Hotel operators who choose to develop and implement bespoke vape detection systems can enjoy a number of notable benefits. In addition to ensuring a healthier and safer environment for staff and visitors, using vape detectors in hotels can facilitate the following benefits.

Enhanced guest experience

By installing vape detectors in hotel rooms and communal areas, business owners can show that they’re committed to facilitating a safe environment for guests. Customers with existing health issues, elderly patrons and guests with children may view a lack of vape sensors and hotel cigarette smoke detectors as a sign that smoking bans might not be reliably enforced.

Safer and cleaner air quality

Hotel vape detectors with combination sensors can be configured to continuously observe air quality in search of harmful gasses and pollutants. If sensors are integrated into HVAC infrastructure, ventilation systems can be programmed to instantly activate should levels of such stimuli surpass a safe threshold, ensuring a safer and cleaner environment for guests.

Better protection of property

The residue left behind by vape can cause noticeable damage to fittings, fixtures and linens in confined spaces. If left unchecked, this could impact the usability of things like light switches, hairdryers and coffee makers and leave unpleasant odors and oily residue attached to soft furnishings. Addressing vaping events will help to prevent such eventualities. 

Improved policy compliance 

The operation of nicotine vape detectors in hotels aids management in ensuring both staff and guests maintain compliance with smoking bans. Visible sensors should deter most people from attempting to circumvent bans, while real-time alerts enhanced by accurate time and location data assist on-site staff in accurately and efficiently addressing vaping incidents.

Increased revenue

Many hotels have clear policies regarding smoking and vaping on premise or in private rooms. By utilizing vape detectors, hotels are able to identify more vaping and smoking offenses and issue more fines to guests that violate these policies. Additionally, vape detector metrics and data can be used as a more reliable evidence source for policy violations, decreasing the amount of false disputes.

Automated event responses

If integrated with existing physical security solutions, the stimuli detected by hotel vape detectors can trigger wider security devices. For example, triggered sensors may be programmed to automatically engage HVAC devices, access control locks, nearby IP security cameras and wider alarms to provide automated responses and ensure evidence is reliably logged. 


HALO: The all-in-one vape detector

Substance and Smoke Detection

Identify vape smoke, masking and harmful substances like marijuana (THC).

Air Quality Monitoring

Monitor air quality for pollutants (CO, particulate matter, VOC and NO₂ levels) to maintain a healthy environment.

Emergency and Security Alerts

Get real-time alerts for spoken keyword detection, panic button activation and motion detection.

Smart Safety Enhancements

Detect aggression, gunshots, tampering, occupancy and light levels to improve security.

Integration with Existing Security

Unlock complete visibility of incidents with video management, access control and alert system integrations.

Environmental Control

Monitor temperature and humidity to avoid health and structural problems.

Key features of hotel room vape smoke detectors 

Vape, cigarette and marijuana detection technologies have advanced significantly in recent years, with numerous options now available. When exploring the development of a reliable vape detection system, hotel managers must consider which key features and capabilities to prioritize. Below are several important features to look out for.

Multiple sensor types

Unlike traditional tobacco products, e‑cigarettes are not uniform in design. This means the vapor expressed from different devices can vary significantly regarding particulate matter and particle size. To improve detection accuracy, it’s wise to prioritize hotel vape detectors with multiple built-in sensors configured to identify vape smoke in numerous ways.

Vape detectors in hotels must also be capable of identifying cigarette and marijuana smoke, meaning operators should look for devices with built-in THC and nicotine sensors. Additional sensors worth considering include sound sensors to identify excessive noise levels, occupancy sensors and hazardous gas sensors to protect guests from events like carbon monoxide leaks.

Smart alerts and reports

An effective vape detection system will provide staff instant alerts containing high-quality information about suspected incidents. To enable prompt notifications, managers should prioritize hotel vape detectors with Wi-Fi and SMS messaging features. Alerts should also include accurate time, location and reason for activation data to help staff enact informed responses.

To make the most effective use of collected data, it’s wise to select hotel vape detectors that come with intuitive management software. Operators should look for systems that can record previously reported incidents automatically in a secure digital environment, with options to compile and analyze information to identify trends in events that may need to be addressed.

Air quality analysis

Vape detectors for hotels can offer additional benefits if devices with air quality observation and analysis features are prioritized. Sensors can be programmed to alert staff if levels of potentially harmful pollutants surpass safe thresholds, trigger alarms and activate HVAC systems in response to dangerous concentrations of hazardous chemicals.

Reports can be automatically compiled and stored in a digital management system to help staff identify trends in recorded incidents. Should administrators notice clear patterns in air quality monitoring sensors triggering, managers can investigate wider factors like existing processes and schedules to identify likely causes and implement appropriate fixes.

Anti-vandalism features

Some guests may tamper with hotel vape detectors to obscure sensor systems or render devices ineffective. Managers must make sure that the hotel vape sensors they choose come with dedicated built-in protections against acts of vandalism, both in the form of durable hardware and informative anti-tamper software alerts.

The outer-casings of hotel vape detectors should be molded from flame and impact-resistant materials, like ABS and polycarbonate plastics, to protect against physical damage. Devices should also be fitted with live tamper sensors programmed to send instant messages to staff warning of suspicious activity, with accurate, up-to-date time and location data also provided.

Integration capabilities

Vape detectors can become even more valuable when integrated into existing hotel security systems. Triggered alarms can be programmed to activate wider devices and provide extra functionality. For example, nearby security cameras may be programmed to record and flag footage of incidents in response to triggered vape sensors.

Management teams should prioritize hotel vape sensors compatible with existing security technology and related management systems. Some businesses choose to develop cloud-based management solutions in which controls for multiple security systems can be accessed simultaneously so that staff can view, analyze and adjust live systems remotely. Video analytics systems can also be utilized in conjunction with vape sensors to provide comprehensive insight into incidents and patterns of offenses.

How hotels can detect vaping with the HALO Smart Sensor

Combating vaping in hotels starts with the right tools. That’s where the award-winning HALO Smart Sensor comes in. Used by over 10,000 organizations worldwide to detect vaping, smoking, THC and a plethora of safety concerns, this all-in-one device works with your existing security systems and provides enhanced hazard detection without recording audio or video, making it a nonintrusive vape detection solution for hotels.

As mentioned, vaping is a growing concern for hotels and the hospitality industry. HALO uses a Dynamic Vape Detection algorithm to automatically learn the environment and alert when vaping is detected. Additionally, HALO is the only product that can alert and differentiate between vaping, vaping with THC and intentionally masking vaping behavior with aerosol.

Of course, vaping is far from a hotel’s only safety concern. Many pollutants can impact indoor air quality, and with HALO’s health index and indoor air quality readings, hotels can easily monitor the air quality in all rooms. Physical safety is also top of mind for hotel facilities. The HALO Smart Sensor can detect sound abnormalities like gunshots and aggression, quickly alerting security teams and enabling a speedy response. 

How much do hotel vape sensors cost?

Stationary wall-mounted vape detectors for hotels can cost anywhere from $500 — $2000 per unit, with advanced multi-sensor solutions typically falling toward the end of that scale.

Additional factors may also influence the total cost of hotel vape detector systems, including:

  • Installation considerations: If hotel vape detectors are to be wired into existing or new electrical systems, additional costs will be incurred, with prices rising depending on the complexity of the installation. Installation costs may be reduced if wireless devices are chosen, but workers must ensure that batteries are replaced regularly. Wider security system integrations may also increase the average cost of hotel vape sensor implementation.
  • Software subscriptions: Sophisticated hotel vape detectors with features such as air quality sensors and cloud-based management portals may require software subscriptions to work. Service providers may reduce the cost of the initial installation to accommodate this, but ongoing costs must be factored into purchasing decisions.
  • Maintenance requirements: Vape detectors in hotels must be cleaned, assessed and maintained on a regular basis to ensure they’re working properly. Some types of vape detectors need to be serviced by external vendors, while others may require occasional software updates that can incur additional operating costs. 

Steps and best practices for implementing vape sensors in hotels

Selecting the most appropriate hotel vape detectors for any given property is only part of the equation for effectively addressing vaping incidents. Hotel managers must also consider where devices are installed, which external factors might influence the efficacy of the system and whether integrations with wider technologies are available.

Identify high-risk locations

Managers must perform a thorough assessment of the property to locate appropriate areas in which hotel vape detectors should be installed. Common high-risk areas in hotels include:

  • Restrooms
  • Guest rooms
  • Hallways
  • Common areas
  • Stairwells

Managers should also review records of previously reported incidents to highlight additional areas where hotel vape detectors may be effective. Analyzing historic incidents will also help staff locate gaps in current security processes that could be addressed to mitigate risks.

Position devices carefully

Environmental factors can influence the efficacy of hotel vape sensors, so it’s important to ensure devices are positioned carefully. Managers must consider the effective range of their chosen devices to ensure adequate coverage. If the advertised range of a single sensor is not enough to cover a target area, the space may require multiple sensors installed in series.

Airflow is another important factor to consider when installing hotel vape detectors. For each sensor to accurately detect vape aerosols, particulate matter must pass through the installed device, meaning sensors must be installed in line with the natural airflow of the target space.

Finally, managers should consider the potential for non-vaping stimuli to accidentally trigger hotel vape detectors. For example, steam, perfumes or cleaning chemicals could cause false positives in guest rooms, meaning multi-sensor units should be prioritized.

Integrate with current security system

To get the most out of vape detectors in hotels, managers should pursue integrations with wider security and building management systems. Examples of useful integrations include:

  • Video security cameras: Hotel security cameras can be programmed to automatically record and flag footage of vaping events in response to triggered hotel vape sensors. Captured footage can then be used as evidence to prosecute offenders if required.
  • Access control systems: Smart hotel door locks may automatically engage in response to triggered vape alarms, with access events flagged to help security teams verify the identity of suspected offenders.
  • HVAC technologies: Ventilation systems may be configured to instantly respond to vaping incidents or air quality concerns, helping management teams protect guests and staff from the adverse effects of harmful chemicals and pollutants.

Scalability and maintenance

Managers must consider ongoing maintenance requirements and potential future system expansions when developing and implementing hotel vape detector installations. Individual devices should be installed in locations that are accessible to maintenance personnel but out of reach to customers, as doing so will help to mitigate risks associated with vandalism.

If systems are likely to be expanded in the future, managers should also consider provisions for adding new hotel vape detectors to existing infrastructure. Teams must ensure electrical wiring can support the addition of new detectors, as well as check that current management systems are able to support new devices without needing additional server or storage space.


To protect people, property,​ and places from the harmful chemicals found in e‑cigarette vapor, many hoteliers use specialized vape detection systems. When intelligently implemented, hotel vape detectors can help staff deter and address vaping/​smoking incidents while ensuring a safer environment for guests.

Motorola Solutions’ HALO Smart Sensor is ideal for hotel managers looking to reliably combat vaping and smoking incidents. With multiple sensors configured to detect tobacco smoke, e‑cigarette vapor and THC oil, alongside advanced analytics fine-tuned to eliminate false positives, the all-in-one HALO Sensor provides fast and responsive protection against vaping events.

Hotel vape detector FAQs

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