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The business of retail can be a competitive market, with proprietors looking to find effective and reliable solutions to secure their properties at a reasonable expense. Traditional key-based access control presents several drawbacks, from easily duplicated credentials to the cost of replacing locks in line with frequent employee turnover, but what other options are there? 

Types of retail access control for storefront security operations

Investing in a business storefront access control solution or upgrading an existing access control system can help retail store owners to better manage property access, develop interconnected digital and physical security systems as well as improve customer and employee satisfaction. 

Below are some examples of effective storefront access control options that an access control security system installer can provide: 

Touchless access control for retail

Touchless and RFID-based retail access control solutions can be installed in main entrances, exits and private areas to prevent any individuals without authorized credentials from gaining access. To activate these locks, employees can simply hold an authorized card or fob in proximity to the reader. 

By utilizing touchless access control for retail, business owners can: 

  • Monitor who has gained access to certain areas at specific times 
  • Revoke, adjust and configure credentials remotely 
  • Set time-based locks to secure areas outside of operating hours 
  • Program automated alerts for attempted breaches 

Mobile and cloud-based access control for retail

Access control systems that can be managed remotely build on the benefits of RFID devices and offer greater flexibility to retail store owners, with credentials issued directly to employee’s mobile phones eliminating the costs associated with programming and commissioning physical key cards or fobs. 

Further benefits of installing mobile access control systems include: 

  • Cloud-based monitoring from anywhere, at any time 
  • Revoke access instantly when staff leave employment
  • Issue new employee credentials instantly to their mobile device 
  • Wireless linking of access control readers to video security systems 
  • Controlling multiple access points from a centralized management system 

Biometric access control for retail

To secure high-risk environments such as stock rooms, cash-counting areas and private offices, biometric readers can provide enhanced security with credentials unique to the authorized person. 

The installation of biometric access control for businesses in the retail sector also allows for: 

  • Accurate audit trails of high-risk areas 
  • Greater cost-saving measures when it comes to issuing credentials 
  • User accountability through personalized credentials 
  • More convenience with no need to remember passcodes or carry fobs and key cards 

Benefits of retail access control in store environments

Retail stores using key-based locks are susceptible to a number of potential security risks. Keys can easily be lost, stolen or copied, and business owners have no way of tracking the location or uses of individual credentials.

By upgrading to a comprehensive storefront access control system and cloud security (vs. on-premise security) management, property owners in the retail industry can better control access to their business, improve loss prevention, as well as develop integrated security networks to provide real-time insights into access events.

  • Easy configurations. Assign personalized credentials granting varying levels of access to different individuals. For example, full access is granted to managers, while part-time employees will have limited access. 
  • Flexible control. Restrict access to certain areas at predetermined times. Main entrances are usually secured after closing time and service bays can remain open for deliveries. 
  • Centralized management. Control multiple access points from a unified platform with the ability to set employee schedules and program alerts for access activity. 
  • Integrated security. Connect different systems to receive mobile alerts, set automatic lockdowns and view camera feeds remotely in one place. A security integrator can help you fully integrate a new access control system with existing security systems.
  • Future scalability. Add multiple locations to a network with a few clicks of a mouse and effortlessly control access as the business expands.

Retail access control and business storefront access control are ideal and easily implemented solutions for businesses to protect themselves from intruders and property crime — especially when fully integrated with other core systems like commercial security camera systems. With a customized storefront security system, business owners can effectively remove the risk of lost or stolen keys, plan personalized retail security systems and reliably monitor all property access.

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